Unit price: €20.33 / 100 ml
A fruity, floral peach fragrance with hints of orange and apple mixed with delicate floral notes.
How to use fragrance oil
In cosmetics, add fragrance oil up to 1% of the product weight. Fragrance oil is suitable for use in creams, liquid soaps, and shampoos, but not in lip products. In facial products, we recommend keeping the amount of fragrance oil always below 0.5%. Fragrance oil is added to the cosmetic product in the cooling phase. Mix the scent into the product when it is about lukewarm. Make sure the fragrance is well-mixed.
In melt and pour soap base, it is recommended to use up to 10 g of fragrance oil per 1 kg of soap base. Mix the scent into the melted soap base directly before pouring it into the mold.
In cold process soap, it is recommended to use 30 g of fragrance oil per 1 kg of fats, and for hot process, 15-20 g per 1 kg of fats. Fragrance oil is added to the soap at the very end, before pouring it into the mold.
Peach fragrance oil can accelerate saponification. For cold process soap making, the water content should be at least 330 g per 1 kg of fat. If the soap tends to thicken too quickly, continue stirring with a spoon after adding the scent, not with a hand mixer. Soap saponification is also slowed down by keeping the soap temperature low - around 30-35 degrees Celsius. This fragrance oil does not change the color of the soap.
In soy wax candles, the maximum dosage is 6%.
Data sheet
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