Lemon Essential Oil Organic 10 ml
  • Lemon Essential Oil Organic 10 ml

Lemon Essential Oil Organic 10 ml

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About discounts

With a fresh and invigorating scent, certified organic lemon essential oil is furocoumarin-free. It has many uses in skin and hair care cosmetics. The crisp aroma promotes a positive mood, cleanses and brightens. The essential oil is made by pressing the peel, followed by steam distillation to remove phototoxic molecules. Therefore, the essential oil has no phototoxic effects on the skin. It is a 100% pure and natural, botanically and biochemically defined, undenatured, undiluted essential oil

100% of the ingredients are from organic farming. Certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to the Ecocert/Cosmos standard.


Using lemon essential oil

Up to 2% in the manufacture of cosmetics. Also suitable for use in lip products.

In melt and pour soap base and cold process soap, use up to 20 g per 1 kg of soap mass.

In soy wax candles.  the maximum dosage is 6%.

Product Details


Data sheet

Natural ingredient
Eeterlik õli
Sobib huuletoodetesse
Sobib kasutamiseks huulepalsamis. Doseering : 1 tilk huulepulga kohta.
ECOCERT sertifitseeritud toode
100% of ingredients are from organic farming. Natural and organic cosmetic certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to the Ecocert/Cosmos standard
ECOCERT-i sertifikaat on kõige rangem looduslike ja mahedate kosmeetikavahendite tootmisstandard. Kosmeetikatoodete puhul hinnatakse mitte ainult tooraine vaid ka tootmisruumide ja pakendite keskkonnamõju, ökoloogilisust ja puhtust.
ECOCERT nõuded ei luba kasutada geneetiliselt muundatud seemneid. Tooraine kasvatamisel pole lubatud kasutada keemilisi väetiseid. Taimede kahjurite tõrjeks kasutatavad vahendid peavad olema mürgivabad ja ECOCERTi poolt heaks kiidetud.

Specific References




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Data sheet

Natural ingredient
Eeterlik õli
Sobib huuletoodetesse
Sobib kasutamiseks huulepalsamis. Doseering : 1 tilk huulepulga kohta.
ECOCERT sertifitseeritud toode
ECOCERT-i sertifikaat on kõige rangem looduslike ja mahedate kosmeetikavahendite tootmisstandard. Kosmeetikatoodete puhul hinnatakse mitte ainult tooraine vaid ka tootmisruumide ja pakendite keskkonnamõju, ökoloogilisust ja puhtust.
ECOCERT nõuded ei luba kasutada geneetiliselt muundatud seemneid. Tooraine kasvatamisel pole lubatud kasutada keemilisi väetiseid. Taimede kahjurite tõrjeks kasutatavad vahendid peavad olema mürgivabad ja ECOCERTi poolt heaks kiidetud.
100% of ingredients are from organic farming. Natural and organic cosmetic certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to the Ecocert/Cosmos standard